Allotment update

 Its a slow time of year on the plot. But there are still things to do. Its hard to believe we've had it for a year now.

First of all the beginnings of a new crop of rhubarb is starting to emerge, we've been very fortunate with how prolific these hardy plants have been am would like to try some more savoury recipes with it this year

Next off have pruned back the apple tree. I don't think its had much TLC for a few years so there were a lot of crossing branches etc that needed dealing with. Pruning is not really in my skill set that much but I followed the RHS guidelines and hoped for the best. We'll see what my efforts achieve later in the year.

Have harvested two small cabbages and turned one into future sauerkraut, added some mustard seeds and fennel to give a little more flavour. Hopefully it will turn out okay! Used a standard 2% brine using some liquid from a previous ferment for a starter.
