First new potatoes

These were supposedly 'Christmas' new potatoes (Charlotte variety) but only one tuber sprouted and effectively bolted, growing long stringy stems and producing only tiny potato tubers. I think we planted them far too late.

I thought we had lost them but in March the first signs of potato sprouts were seen in the green house.

We left them in despite taking up valuable greenhouse area out of curiosity. They would have yielded better if they had been left for longer but we need the space back for other plants.

Trying to avoid more volunteers next year by digging out all the soil and sieving it, which is labourious in a 1.5m2 greenhouse bed so the larger bed at the allotment will hard going.

These were grown in a no dig fashion with the tubers placed on the surface of the soil and mushroom compost piled on top.

If you would like your own new potatoes in time for Christmas now is the time of year to plant them.
